'Rubbish' is an inanimate object, so it cannot 'collect' anything, so the verb must be passive. Remember that a passive verb always conjugates the verb BE into the correct tense (here, present simple) and then expresses the specific verb (here, 'collect') in the past participle (3ºv).
Here, 'Rachel' is the one who does the action of 'enjoying', so the verb is active. The sentence ends with 'last weekend', so we know the verb should be expressed in the Past Simple.
Does Samantha 'give' something to somebody (ACTIVE), or is she the recipient of what others 'give' to her (PASSIVE). Besides, the sentence begins with 'Since her last win'. Which verb tense expresses actions that happen 'since' some past time?
Did the police officer do the action, 'meet' (ACTIVE), or was it done to him (PASSIVE)? This sentence seems to be telling a story, so the tense should be straightforward.
Who 'offers' 'large sums of money' here? Is it the 'internet influencers' (ACTIVE), or somebody else (PASSIVE)?
Who discovers here? Is it the 'plants and animals' (ACTIVE) or others (PASSIVE).
Who 'arrests' in this sentence; the thieves (ACTIVE) or somebody else (PASSIVE)? Besides this, pay attention to the beginning of the sentence, 'By the time...found', which tells you when the action happens. What tense expresses an action that happens BEFORE a time in the PAST?
Do the hundred people 'give' something (ACTIVE), or do others 'give' them something (PASSIVE)? Besides this, keep in mind that the action was in process 'when I arrived', so what verb tense expresses actions in process at a specific time in the past?
Does Jack 'catch' someone in this sentence (ACTIVE) or does someone else 'catch' Jack (PASSIVE)? Besides, remember that when we write a verb immediately after another ('catch' comes immediately after 'hates' here) the second verb is always written with 'to + 1ºv' or 'V+ing', depending on what the first verb is.
Do 'new students' 'take' (ACTIVE), or do others 'take' 'new students (PASSIVE)? The sentence ends with 'next week', so it should be clear the tense is future.
Did Bob Dylan 'receive' (ACTIVE), or did someone else 'receive' (PASSIVE)? Since the year comes at the end of the sentence, the tense of the verb should be quite clear.